Yoga for Special Needs Online Course Access

Yoga for Special Needs Online Course Access

Here are the 4 webinars included in the Yoga for Children with Special Needs Online Training. You have one month to view them as many times as you’d like. We highly encourage you to print/save the accompanying HANDOUTS. You’ll also find access to the YIMS Yoga for Children with Special Needs Manual via digital download and some suggestions on getting the most out of your YIMS Teacher’s Lounge All Access Pass.

Access link granted upon purchase of the course.


Teacher’s Lounge

We highly encourage you to use the SEARCH function to access the numerous resources regarding yoga for children with special needs. Topics you’ll want to search include but aren’t limited to:

Here is a sampling of some of the many resources on teaching yoga to children with special needs.



Down syndrome

Cerebral Palsy


Each month new content is added to your extensive library of resources. If you have any questions please contact



Want to receive a Yoga for Special Needs Online Certificate? Includes a 30 minute SKYPE discussion/Q&A with Donna Freeman to solidfy your knowledge plus a homework assignment.



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