Natural Elements: Connect, Move, Relax
From Monkey Mind to Peace of Mind
My Favourite Prop – Magic Singing Bowl
Sending Joy: Lift Yourself and Others with Focused Intention
Kids Yoga Activities: Rope Walking
Labyrinth Resources for the Classroom
Do You Hear What I Hear? Mindfulness Games for Kids
This game helps attune individuals to all the sounds in their environment. It is wonderfully versatile and can be played with one other person, a group, or all alone. In addition it builds concentration and memory. This game encourages open attention as it requires continual scanning of the environment. It is also a sensory game helping to focus on one sense at a timewhich is helpful when working with children with autism spectrum disorders, ADHD and other sensory challenges.
Do You Hear What I Hear
Before you leave to walk somewhere, especially if you are going on a route you’ve taken many times and want to engage the participants attention, ask the children to help you guess the number of different sounds you’ll hear along the way. Then while walking, say “I can hear a _____________” and wait until the others hear that sound too. Keep walking and let everyone have a turn identifying sounds. Keep a running tally of all the sounds. Can you recall each one? In order?
Alternatively you can do this game while stationary. Have everyone sit comfortably, or lay down, and close their eyes. Tune into the various sounds around you. The hum of the lights, music playing in the distance, a clock ticking, air conditioning or a furnace turning on or off, a friend’s breath, your own beating heart. Mentally note each sound, then move on, continually scanning for ones which weren’t even aware of before this moment. After a few minutes, open your eyes and share with the group the sounds you heard.
Do You See What I See Variation
Instead of “I can hear” use “I can see” and point out to each other anything interesting you see. You could also be specific and look only for a certain type of thing. Only red things? Only new things, such as a recently bloomed flower or newly painted fence?
For a complete listing of yoga and mindfulness games visit the Yoga Games Page.
Photo by cesarastudillo
Salutation to the Dawn
Top Yoga Tips to Creating a Bedtime Routine for Restful Sleep
What is Mindfulness for Children
54 Fun Family Activities for Summer Yoga Style
My Favourite Colour: A Guided Visualization for Relaxation
Relaxation is essential. Learning to relax is key to a healthy lifestyle, stress relief, and knowing oneself. Children today are over-stimulated, over-programmed, and often have no idea what true relaxation looks or feels like. I often encourage educators, parents, health professionals and youth leaders that if nothing else from all that yoga has to offer for children, please, please teach the children in your life how to relax.
For all of you who have attended my workshop Once Upon a Pose, this short guided visualization will bring back wonderful memories of the last few minutes we spent together exploring the world of children’s yoga. My Favourite Colour is the guided visualization included at the back of the FREE e-book The Pet Store/L’animalerie, which you can download by entering your name and e-mail in the right side bar.
So close your eyes, sit back, and breathe.
Many more guided visualizations for relaxation which are easy to do with children are included in the book Once Upon a Pose: A Guide to Yoga Adventure Stories for Children, Chapter #6: Relaxation.
I hope you have a wonderful day filled with light, vitality and energy. Namaste.